
Welcome to Silentshipping, a shrine and fanlisting dedicated to the relationship between Kaiba Seto & Kawai Shizuka, from the anime/manga series Yuugiou (Yu-Gi-Oh!). He is the cold but brilliant duelist; she is the kind and soft-spoken younger sister of his least favorite person. They come from different worlds but meet thanks to Duel Monsters

This fanlisting support all aspects of their relationship, and is listed at The Anime Fanlistings Network. Please join this fanlisting to show your support for Seto and Shizuka

  • Last updated: March 03, 2025
  • Members: 475 (+0) fans in 54 countries

  • Sibling Sites
    Wild Drive, the Yuugiou fanlisting Forbidden Memories, the Atemu fanlisting Revolutionshipping, the Atemu & Anzu fanlisting


    This site has been online since Dec 2003 and is maintained by Annie. This is just a fansite, no infringement intended.